
About Me

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Professional Makeup Artist , Muslimah Hairstylist, Founder of Milya Salon and Studio. Please follow me on Instagram and Facebook @milyabeautyconcept

Monday, 30 January 2012

Makeover for White Fever Photoshoot #2

Assalamualaikum lovelies! :)
This is the second part of the previous 'before and after' makeup.
My talent is zayana hehe.
I set her makeup to be a lil bit Rainbow-ish because her outfit mainly White and only with the Brownish colored shawl. So, let's take a look!

auw, comel kan comel kan?

 Now let's  take a look at her pose during the Photoshoot :)

Thankyou Fazrul Rahman for the pictures.
Stay tune for more updates!

p/s: We are going to have another Photoshoot on 11th February. Details, check out at Milya Beauty Concept FB fanpage. Anyone interested to join as Photogs or Talents, email me at

Thank you lovelies!
Assalamualaikum! :)

Makeover for White Fever Photoshoot

Assalamualaikum lovelies! :)
Here i present to you one of my talents, Nadya Ishak.
She has fair skinned, so I only use minimal amount of makeup on her face.
This is to enhance her younger and youthful figure!!

Alright! She's cute isn't she?
Let's take a look at her pictures during the photoshoot.

Thankyou Fazrul Rahman for being the Photographer on that day. 
And also the Organizer of the event, Miss Aisha Humaira JCS and of course the other MUA, Love Bunga Querida and Nurul Mazni Sawal.

p/s: u can always CLICK on the photo to enlarge for a better view and also CLICK the nuffnang ads :) 

Do remember that Milya Beauty Concept is organizing a Muslimah Photoshoot next week!!
Interested to join?? Email us at

Thank you everyone! Assalamualaikum.