
About Me

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Professional Makeup Artist , Muslimah Hairstylist, Founder of Milya Salon and Studio. Please follow me on Instagram and Facebook @milyabeautyconcept

Tuesday, 20 December 2011

Photoshoot - Eiyla

Assalamualaikum lovelies. hehe. I just got back from Rumah Pengasih for our Course trip. Forgot to tell ya that I'm a CPRian (Clinical & Pharmaceutical Research). So there is a subject called Drug Abuse. Basically this visit is just to give us a chance to learn more about drug abuse. Conclusion, DON'T DO DRUGS people! Let us live our lives healthily and with full of barakah InsyaAllah.

I've promised to update pictures for the photo shoot few days ago but sorry for the delay because of my hectic schedule nowadays. OKAY!

The makeup i did was intended to enhance her figure. She has quite cute and tiny face as you can see. With very small eyes. Therefore, i tried to focus on the eye part so that she could have bigger and bolder eyes!
So, lets look at these............................

simply beautiful




What a breathe-taking photos isn't it? A million thanks to the photographer Zikri Zain 

While for the makeups you may click LIKE this Milya Beauty Concept facebook fanpage in the right side of the blog. 

Thanx for reading lovelies! :)